Tank Journal Archive

Dr. Schell

The Fuckin' Doc
Jul 12, 2011
I will take it that is a good thing :) I keep the slugs beacuse they are useful. Also, because I love how cryptic they are. This species is very tolerant of salinity levels and will cope equally well in full marine or weak-brackish conditions. The slugs graze on the bacteria and other microscopic life that can poliferate to uncontrolable numbers if not kept in check.

On the time lapse movie, they remind me of "dodgem cars". In reality, you don't really notice them. They just look like a rock which moves very slowly. The mudskippers leave them alone (which is good because they try to eat everything else).


Jul 10, 2011
Gawler, S.A.
It was meant as a good thing!

Also, because I love how cryptic they are
Thats why I love reading your posts. You dont just like the pretty things you like the intricate details of even the ugliest little bugger in there! Thats what makes your posts so interesting.

Keep up the good work!

Dr. Schell

The Fuckin' Doc
Jul 12, 2011
This is an updated, timelapse video of several hours in the life of my mudskippers. Filmed at 1 frame per 1.5 minutes. The male fish is the one that maintains the burrow. Burrow location has moved as a result of a "cave-in". The male fish repaired and re-excavated the burrow into its current position.


Dr. Schell

The Fuckin' Doc
Jul 12, 2011
Hi Guys and Gals,
Just an updated time-lapse video of this tank. I have shortened the duration of the "low tide" in this video so you gain an appreciation of the changes in water level. I have added a Nassarius snail to this tank also, in an attempt to reduce meaty food wastes in the water. The system is developing well, the mangroves are all growing and remaining green. The location of the burrow has once again changed to the original location (who knew that mudskippers changed the location of the entrance to their burrow!)


Dr. Schell

The Fuckin' Doc
Jul 12, 2011
Here is a timelapse video of my male mudskipper interacting with its burrow. Taken at 1 fame/second and from above, it give a different perspective to the fish and its habitat, even if it is artificial!


Dr. Schell

The Fuckin' Doc
Jul 12, 2011
no the female remains in the seaward section of the aquarium (on the left). The 2 only interact when he is courting her. Like most gobies, it is the male alone that broods the eggs/offspring. In this species of mudskipper, the male will drive the female out of the burrow/territory after spawning. I have no idea if there are eggs in there at the moment, but it would not surprise me if there are. He spends alot of time tending to the burrow and clearing out sediment/taking in fresh air.
Fingers crossed!
For such a small and simple set-up, I derive a lot of joy watching the interactions of this tank's inhabitants

Dr. Schell

The Fuckin' Doc
Jul 12, 2011
Hi Guys and Gals,
My male mudskipper has finally lost his marbles and become a broody (hopefully soon-to-be) dad. In the videos below, you can see his obsession with his burrow and his activities to clean and add air to the burrow (watch his cheek pouches just before he goes into the burrow, there are several occasions where it is obvious). He is now very protective of the entrance and drives the female away (a sign that spawinging has occured. Videos below (sorry, I missed the spawning and courtship events!) Hope to catch in the future.
Enjoy (P.S. added some music to the vids to make them less boring).



Great content as always Doc.
Music was interesting. Harps are so little used these days