
The Reefuge

Jul 9, 2011
Chat Night Tonight
Hi everyone,

Tonight is chat night. At 8:30pm shoot over to the chatroom for a chat with fellow reefugees.



Jul 15, 2011
Wide Bay
will prob unfortunately miss tonight, my toddler and twins are sick with some form of bug, not spewing yet but all have a fever, not to bad at the moment, thank christ for kids nurofen and the likes. never like seeing my kids crook, or anyones kids for that matter, children shouldnt be allowed to be sick, I would take all of there bug combined if I could just to make them better.

will see how they are in the morning. sorry guys, was looking forward to it too, will be good to get to know you all better. chat rooms in forums as tight as this are nearly as good as face to face.
Good forums where people get on and help is what it is all about, I have known some forums that people just argue for the sake of it. one in particular (a bonsai forum) based in the USA, all those guys just get stuck into each other and it takes away somewhat from the friendliness of the forums. which is a shame as there is some awesome content on it.

lets keep this one great, I think we will :D


Jul 11, 2011
Hobart, Tasmania
Me: Hi mate - where is everyone?(8:57pm)
brendore: No idea...(8:59pm)
Me: The timezone might a caught a few out!!(9:00pm)
brendore has left the chatroom(9:00pm)
DavidS has joined the chatroom(9:01pm)
brendore has joined the chatroom(9:01pm)
DavidS: evening all(9:01pm)
brendore: I'm thinking so ay(9:01pm)
brendore: Hi Dave, guess we can use this time ti work out a topic(9:02pm)
Me: Hi David(9:02pm)
DavidS has left the chatroom(9:02pm)
DavidS has joined the chatroom(9:02pm)
DavidS: evening magic.. i'm just droping by.. i'm at a friends house, and somewhat inebriated, so if I'm a bit off, don't worry too much(9:03pm)
brendore: Any ideas Shane(9:03pm)
The Reefuge has joined the chatroom(9:04pm)
DavidS: ok.. so heres an idea.. is there any issue with running blue leds at a higher intensity than whites?(9:04pm)
Me: I think we need more chatters to warrant a topic!!(9:04pm)
DavidS: evening God(9:04pm)
Me: That's an easy one David - yes [Broken External Image]:
rockerpeller has joined the chatroom(9:06pm)
DavidS: and those issues are?(9:06pm)
brendore: evening rocker(9:06pm)
rockerpeller: hey peeps [Broken External Image]:
The Reefuge has left the chatroom(9:07pm)
brendore has left the chatroom(9:09pm)
brendore has joined the chatroom(9:09pm)
DavidS: man.. its getting quiet in here(9:09pm)
rockerpeller has left the chatroom(9:09pm)
rockerpeller has joined the chatroom(9:09pm)
rockerpeller: lol very(9:09pm)
brendore: indeed... I don't know the answer to ur question Dave.. any other questions, from anyone so we can get the ball rolling(9:10pm)
DavidS has left the chatroom(9:11pm)
DavidS has joined the chatroom(9:11pm)
rockerpeller: I'm curious about your question though... I read that under halides corals do better closer to the 10k range rather then higher. wonder if its the same under LEDs(9:11pm)
DavidS: i was hoping shane was eleborate on his earlier answer(9:12pm)
Me: OK Let me qualify that - most people are using XPG white LED's these days which can be driven at something 1.5 amps. The propular blues are currently XP-E's which can only be driven up to 1 amp(9:12pm)
DavidS: was.. would.. lol(9:12pm)
Me: Now, if you are happy to drive the XPG's at around 750mA then there is no reason not to have them on the same driver(9:13pm)
DavidS: ah ok.. in my case, I wasn't going to run either about 750ma.. just at a percentage of intensity at that, and keep the blues a little higher than white.(9:13pm)
Me: From your original question - what do you mean by higher intensity?(9:14pm)
DavidS: ie.. the controller might be set say 15% above what the whites are, while the drivers are still running at 750ma(9:14pm)
DavidS: brb(9:14pm)
The Reefuge has joined the chatroom(9:14pm)
The: Hi everyone.(9:14pm)
The: Sorry I can't stay, just wanted to say hello.(9:15pm)
Me: Hi god(9:15pm)
brendore: I think he means running the blues at a higher % than the whites, eg having whites running at 60% and the blues at 80%(9:15pm)
rockerpeller: From what I read, he wants the blues to show up more. turn back the whites so its closer to 20k.(9:15pm)
The: Enjoy your night everyone.(9:15pm)
brendore: Hey God, thank buddy(9:15pm)
brendore: thanks*(9:15pm)
The Reefuge has left the chatroom(9:15pm)
Me: You can adjust the controller to whatever you like to suite your own taste.(9:15pm)
Me: Let me explain quickly about how these PWM controllers work ,,,(9:16pm)
Me: They don't change the current going to the led's - they cycle the current on and off (called the duty cycle) so quickly that our eyes don't notice the on/off cycle(9:17pm)
DavidS: brendore had the idea of what i was talking about(9:18pm)
DavidS: sorry to interrupt that shane(9:18pm)
Me: So, if the driver is outputting 750ma, but the dimmer is turned down to 50%, the led's get 750ma for half the time and none for the rest of the time - on average the led's get 375mA(9:19pm)
brendore: always wondered how the drivers work in leds [Broken External Image]:
Me: But, and this is the important part, the leds are still getting 750mA during the on phase(9:19pm)
DavidS: heh.. pwm is so complicated, yet so cool(9:20pm)
rockerpeller: so what effect could running the lights bluer, have on the coral though? I never could get my head around spectrums.(9:20pm)
DavidS: only asked as I ordered my typhon yesterday, and was intending on going harder on the blues than the whites(9:21pm)
Me: What I am trying to say is that you can't put an XP-E on a driver that is putting out 1.5A and turn the dimmer down to 50% and think the led is only getting 750mA - it is still getting 1.5A only for half the time. That will result in smoke!!(9:22pm)
brendore: rocker, if you think about it, the blue spectrum is all the corals really get below 5-6m as it's the strongest colour of white light(9:22pm)
brendore: If i can find it theres a chart that has the break up of the spectrum through sea water, I might do a quick post to post it(9:23pm)
rockerpeller: good point...(9:23pm)
DavidS: Understand what you're getting at Shane. Definitely wouldn't try that. Not planning on letting the meanwells run above 750ma(9:23pm)
Me: With the typhoon, I would use one driver for the whites and adjust it to, say 750mA and another for the blues and adjust it to, say 700mA - you can then safely adjust the controller's maximum output to suite your taste(9:24pm)
Me: And David, you also need to consider the efficiency of the LED's(9:25pm)
DavidS: cool.. that's more like what I was getting at - as long as there isn't an actual major issue with that, then my question is answered [Broken External Image]:
Me: AN XP-G R5 driven at 750mA puts out 275 lumens, or 112 lumens per watt(9:25pm)
Me: Increase that to 1A and the lumens increase to 348, but the lumens per watt reduces to 102.(9:26pm)
Me: There is a balancing act to be reached!!(9:26pm)
Me: I run my XP-G's at 750mA and my XP-E at 700mA - running at these currents keeps the temperature down too(9:27pm)
DavidS: gawd.. and here i was gonna just run with the 750~ma that I've been using as a max on the drivers, and just keep the blues a bit higher than whatever i wind up with whites set at on the controller(9:28pm)
brendore has left the chatroom(9:29pm)
Me: What drivers do you have D(9:29pm)
brendore has joined the chatroom(9:29pm)
DavidS: i can't recall the numbers.. whatever the pwm meanwells are in the standard rapidled ktis(9:31pm)
rockerpeller: ELN-60-48P?(9:31pm)
DavidS: eln-60-48p i think(9:32pm)
Me: OK - so you can adjust the little pot in those to whatever you want and then adjust the colour balance to your hearts content on the Typhoon(9:33pm)
DavidS: ok then. that's what i was getting at.(9:33pm)
DavidS: on that note gents, i need to stop being rude to my hosts and go be social for a bit(9:34pm)
Me: Have a good night(9:34pm)
DavidS: bye all(9:34pm)
brendore: Bye dave(9:34pm)
rockerpeller: lol night mate(9:35pm)
DavidS has left the chatroom(9:35pm)
rockerpeller: hmmm think i may have to ditch my D drivers and get myself some P ones instead lol(9:36pm)
brendore: rocker, i posted a thread which shows a diagram of the lighting spectrum through water if u wanna have a look at that(9:36pm)
Me: rocker, to follow up on your question. As brendore said, must colours in the light spectrum are filtered out fairly quickly in water - you don't need to go very deep to pretty much get left with only blue light(9:36pm)
Me: Good diagram brendore(9:38pm)
rockerpeller: yea I can see how that would happen now. It would explain why fish can't really see the colour red(9:38pm)
Me: And why a lot of fish are actually red(9:38pm)
brendore: from the diagram, i can see why Illumagic has close to UV diodes, I never realised UV penetrated that far(9:39pm)
Me: Corals, or should I say the zoo don't use any of the green spectrum - mainly blue,UV and a bit of red(9:40pm)
Me: I am currently using cool white, blue and royal blue leds(9:40pm)
rockerpeller: after seeing that diagram, I'm going to have to add a few different LED bins to the mix.(9:40pm)
brendore: especially deeper water fish... Also under blue lighting red tends to "dissapear"(9:40pm)
Me: But, I am looking to swap out some of the CW for Neutral White to pick up a bit of the red spectrum. And swap out some of the blues for Violet and cyan - cyan is that colour between green and blue which appears to travel fairly deep.(9:41pm)
brendore has left the chatroom(9:42pm)
brendore has joined the chatroom(9:43pm)
Me: rocker, Sanjay Joshi has written quite a number of articles on reef lighting - in a recent article in Coral Magazine he talked about his tank which has had led's for a number of years - he uses cool white, neutral white, blue, royal blue, cyan and red(9:44pm)
brendore has left the chatroom(9:45pm)
brendore has joined the chatroom(9:45pm)
rockerpeller: Awesome. I'll do a quick search for it now. I wouldn't mind knowing what percentages people are using for cyan. I have a mix of royal blue/ blue, and warm white, cool white atm, and I wouldn't mind pulling out a couple of each to swap over.(9:46pm)
brendore: hate to be the pansy but I'm gonna head off guys, been a big week at work and im stuffed!(9:47pm)
brendore has left the chatroom(9:48pm)
rockerpeller: ok night mate.(9:48pm)
Me: How do you find the warm white?(9:50pm)
rockerpeller: too yellow. I really want to swap them out with a higher spectrum(9:51pm)
rockerpeller: I found the article. I'll have a quick read of it. Is that the one from the september/october issue?(9:55pm)
Me: I thought that may be the case - I think CA and NW together with B/RB plus some extra's is the way to go(9:55pm)
Me: Is that the one with the big write-up on LED's?(9:56pm)
rockerpeller: no its just an interview. I'll check through the archives(9:57pm)
rockerpeller: can't find it... I'll have to do a bit more googling(9:59pm)
rockerpeller: I'll buy it. I should have known that would be one issue they would want to keep on paper lol. no worries though. I'll see if Bernie at reeflections has one.(10:03pm)
Me: How is Ernie these days??(10:09pm)
rockerpeller: Last I saw him he was okay. I haven't been to a club night in awhile, but I plan on getting back into it on the next one he has. I don't think he normally does a Dec meet, so it may be Jan/Feb. I'll prolly see him before then though, when I drop in to what he has.(10:11pm)
Me: That used to be my shop of choice when I lived in Melbourne - I had closed down my tank when he moved to the Nepean Highway but I used to go to the South Rd shop all the time(10:12pm)
Me: No email address in your PM buddy
rockerpeller: I've only known his shop to be on Nepean. Before that the only other shops I knew that stocked marines, were Bunarong, uptown pets, and the one across from Highett station
rockerpeller: lol my bad. I'll do that again
Me: The one in Highett was what got me started. Mentone was good when they first started in marines but went downhill after about 12 months
rockerpeller: you didn't happen to see Highett when they had the shark tank in the centre of the shop did you?
Me: Yes, that was a few years ago though
rockerpeller: I used to drop by that shop everyday after school, just to see what new stuff they had.
Me: Fairly old tanks if I remember correctly
rockerpeller: the last time I saw that shark tank was 95 from memory. 2 sharks and a moray was in it
Me: I first set my tank up around 1998 so we probably saw the same shark
rockerpeller: lol more then likely. Highetts gone a bit downhill from then now. alot less livestock. Gone more towards PnP tanks etc. that and the prices are huge compared to Ernies. In fact most of the livestock I have is from Ernies shop
rockerpeller: anyway mate, the mrs is hounding me to get off the comp and watch a movie with her. I better get going. Thanks for all the info mate, and letting me know about that LED article. I woudln't have known about it otherwise. G'night [Broken External Image]:
rockerpeller has left the chatroom


Oct 14, 2011
Hastings, Vic
Lmfao... I called Ernie, Bernie hahahha... Think that was from 3 too many beers last night, and listening to my lil brothers new dance from youtube "Movin' like Bernie"... Was definitely a good chat though.