Reef Discussion

Sam Parker

May 6, 2013
I may have spoken 1 day too soon (murphy's law huh...) Popped home then and it looks much happier, may have just overfed and it was expelling waste. That being said, it's "base" does look to be getting large, perhaps a split is on the cards?


I agree he's normal... At least your clowns know where they're supposed to be! Mine have no idea what the anemone is apparently.
Looks fine to me too, just part of the cycle. I also agree it will move if it wants to, sometimes they won't keep still*. Having said that I can't say I've ever seen a BTA remain at the bottom of a tank for long so just let it choose.

Generally speaking if it's about to split it won't take food, from what I've observed they like to do it on an empty gut (gut is just expression, they don't actually have a gut), often disgorging stuff in the lead up.

*In one tank I have an oscillating wave maker. The BTA never stops moving as it can't seem to find a spot where the flow is just right. When I get the DT back online I'm going to move it into there.