

Oct 22, 2014
Bel Air
My buddy Guy down there says to me one day "You know Rob, we don't all just sit around having shrimp on the barbie all day." I told him that I know that and you know that but the average American doesn't. I said that what the average American knows about Australia is what they have seen on TV and that would be Steve Irwin and Paul Hogan. I could almost hear him groan, lol.


Radio Host
Jul 9, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
My buddy Guy down there says to me one day "You know Rob, we don't all just sit around having shrimp on the barbie all day." I told him that I know that and you know that but the average American doesn't. I said that what the average American knows about Australia is what they have seen on TV and that would be Steve Irwin and Paul Hogan. I could almost hear him groan, lol.
Can confirm. I once convinced a college student (during a prank call, I found his number on craigslist) that Australia was 1 week behind them in time and I owned a pet Crocodile. I also offered him twice the rent he was looking for if he would let me stay in his room and him move out to the couch. Once I got it this far I told him I masturbate excessively and he also needs to throw in his pillow as part of the deal. Again, he agreed.

But another time I pranked another American college student and as soon as I told him I rode my pet Kangaroo to work every day he told me to fuck myself and hung up. So maybe SOME Americans think this about Aussies, but not most.


Oct 22, 2014
Bel Air
You think my fellow countrymen are far too intelligent mate. It's been a downward spiral now for quite some time and there's no sign of it getting any better. I bet that if you had a map of the world that over half couldn't even tell you where Australia was on it.I see things that absolutely make me shake my head with rue and disdain most of the time and it's not just sporadic instances either.


Radio Host
Jul 9, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
You think my fellow countrymen are far too intelligent mate. It's been a downward spiral now for quite some time and there's no sign of it getting any better. I bet that if you had a map of the world that over half couldn't even tell you where Australia was on it.I see things that absolutely make me shake my head with rue and disdain most of the time and it's not just sporadic instances either.
Sad, the governments are responsible for that though. Don't worry, the Australian population is following the spiral.
Nov 2, 2014
Hi all new to the reefuge. My names Dan live in taperoo SA will likely ask ALOT of questions and a good portion of those are likely to be stupid questions. I put a little bio in the journal section under "newbie with a 4 footer"


Nov 10, 2014
Hey all!

ReeferRob has been raving about this forum, and I finally decided to join up.
I'm the "uber newbie" to reef tanks, and usually rely on the hubby for advice, but I like learning new stuff. :)

He's the reason I have a reef tank, but I'm the reason he has 4 dogs living in the house, lol....guess it's a fair exchange!


Nov 10, 2014
Oh yeah, Rob's already put up pics of the pups. I think he thinks I'm a little mad, because I went and named all the fish in my little tank, then went and named all his too! My crew is pretty interactive, which I like, even when Bonnie and Clyde (my clowns) nibble on my hands. As far as biting goes, considering the size of their teeth, they really aren't that scary, lol.

We are pretty lucky, I think, in that we both share a lot of common interests...I'm his mechanics helper when it come time to wrench on the old junk, his carpenters helper when it comes time to knock together a new aquarium stand...that sort of thing. And, he tolerates my penchant for rescuing sad little puppies that nobody wants.


Apr 2, 2013
Hi everyone! Names Matt, live in Adelaide. Been reefing for about 4 years now. Been lurking for years and thought it was about time I joined a forum and met some like minded people!
Yeah. Another Adelaidian !!! Not too many of us about. Welcome !!!