Reef Discussion


Aug 21, 2011
Thinking of getting another fish species... Ideas?
Ahoi all,

I'm thinking about getting another fish species for the tank (I have a tank journal up) but rather than ask such a broad question I hav some requirements of this new acquisition.

Background: tank is 3x2x2 dominated by live rock. Lots of hiding places and bolt holes. I'll put some frontal shots up in the tank journal later on today (i took some the other night).

Current stocking: 2x occelaris (black and white)
1x tomato or fire clown (he has no banding).
1x bicolour blenny
2x blue damsels
2x peppermint shrimps
2x Bubble tip anemone

All get on quite well and don't seem to mind one another. I haven't experienced any real aggression with the fish.


I was keen to get a species that utilised the bottom level of the tank rather than the top 2/3.

I was keen to get a pair of the whatever it was so I could watch them interact.

No superspecialist feeders like Anthias: these fish get fed once or twice a day, at most!

Of course, bright and beautiful, but if they have any awesome behavioural traits that overrides what they look like.

I was thinking maybe a pair of 6-line wrasse, banana wrasse, maybe fire or decora gobies...
but i'm open to ideas
Any ideas people?


Jul 13, 2011
Bang!!! i was looking at my six line wrasse and it ticked all the boxes. They are great fish. I suspect that 1 would be perfect...... Closely followed by my all time favorite..... the coral beauty angel.

Personally I have had no success with decora gobies, I have had say 6 over the years, the helfrechies (dont quote my spelling) are more expensive but live.

Axe S

Aug 29, 2011
Gladstone Qld
Also if you have lots of hiding places you will never see the decora, both the ones i had were always hiding in the rock, and they like to jump aparently.. one of mine did but i think that was due to getting chased by the coral beauty..


Aug 21, 2011
Scooter dragonets? They are a neat little fish... How are they different in their care to Mandarin Dragonets?


Oct 4, 2011
Port Macquarie, NSW, AUS
From most accounts they tend to eat first up, and will happily eat frozen foods strait up and not really have a preference to live foods like Green & Spotted Mandarins. Otherwise they are very similar in respect to their care.