
The Reefuge

Jul 9, 2011
September Update
Hello everyone,

There are a few little things I would like to go over in this update that some users may have missed. Firstly, the Tank Journals are now working as intended. There are two little features that are now part of them.

Subscribe To Tank Journal
  • Subscribing to a tank journal will allow you to be alerted whenever the author of the journal creates a new entry. This is handy for users who would like to keep up to date with users tank journals. Once you have subscribed you are added to the subscribers list. All tank journals display how many subscribers the tank journal has and who has subscribed.
Previous / Next Navigation
  • All threads now have a previous / next button. This allows you to move from one thread to another without the need of going back to the mother forum. This was built specifically for the viewing of tank journals. Once you are viewing an entry you are able to easily get to the next entry by the click of a button. It also has a preview tooltip when you mouse-over the link. These buttons are found on the top-right hand side of threads and are available on all threads found on The Reefuge.
Bug Fix
  • Members no longer have the ability to post an entry in another users tank journal.

We are also working on a group buy section for The Reefuge. This is a purpose-built platform that will allow any user to create a group buy with safe nets in place. We are still working out the logistics of it but it is coming along nicely.

I would also like to mention that all users should add their location to the Hotspots. This will make networking with other members a lot easier.

As far as the website goes it is more or less at a completed state. The majority of work from this point forward will be mainly focused on online and offline networking. This will hopefully allow The Reefuge to become known to more hobbyists and businesses within Australia.
