

Radio Host
Jul 9, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
NEW PRANK - The best one yet (MA15+)
I knew I was going to have fun when I heard the phone ring... but this was just awesome.
I never laugh during a call, but this time I did. It does go for 13 minutes, but trust me, it is worth it.

I really actually feel good about this one, as the company is ripping off people who know nothing about computers. Making them buy fake anti-virus software and making millions.

This one goes out to everyone at The Reefuge.

THIS is how you bust peoples balls.

Edit: The site would not let me upload such a large file, so I have hosted it on some file hosting site. Here is the link


The Resident Loony
Jul 17, 2011
Ballarat, Victoria
Can someone pick me up from the floor?
If you knew the majority of people I deal with a day, you'd know just hard that tickles me :p

I'm gonna burst out laughing as soon as someone tells me they right clicked on something, and probably scream Uncle Bing.