Reef Discussion

Dr. Schell

The Fuckin' Doc
Jul 12, 2011
Mantis Shrimp - Not the sensless killers that they are cracked up to be
Hi Guys,
As you may or may not be aware, I have several mantis shrimp (all from the genus Gonodactylaceus). This has given me an opportunity to observe some of their behaviours at length. One thing that has struck me regarding these shrimp is that they often exhibit specific prey preferences. As such, they are far removed from the mindless killers that many aquarists would have you believe.

For example one species that I keep (ie. Gonodactylaceus falcatus) specifically has a taste for Pepermint shrimp (I breed these so it is not as expensive a meal as you might think. When I introduce a species of shrimp other than the preferred species (e.g. white glove/rockpool shrimp). It is investigated, and in no uncertian terms, told to move on!.

I have included a video that demonstrates this behaviour in G. falcatus (see below).
Another species that I keep (Gonodactylaceus smithii) preferentially selects a specific species of snail and ignores other species.

I hope to report more on these interesting creatures in the future, but at this point, I am curious to see if anyone else has any information to support/contest these observation.

Cheers, Chris.


Jul 13, 2011
I had a mantis that came with my first ever batch of liverock. He never hurt my fish or come to think of it, my coral banded shrimp. I am sure he was around for about 2,5 years.