Help / Suggestions


Apr 26, 2012
help with signature pic
I have not tried this however need recommendation on how best to embed a pic within my signature and if its possible.

I want to add something like the following to my signature, (although its too big at the moment)

What I was wondering is if I link an img file in my signature does the forum actually cache images ? I would probably update the image every hour with real data. I would find somewhere on the net where I could host the image from instead of my own server (photobucket is where all my files are currently). Is it possible for me to ftp this image onto the reefuge site and link it from there ? Do users have image space available ?

Any thought on if I can achieve this ?

This is the thread that enables me to create the real time data to display on the image

The Reefuge

Jul 9, 2011
Hi Rob,

Are you manually updating the image and manually uploading a different file? It is very possible to set up an FTP account that you can get your software to upload the image to, rewriting it each time.

Please let me know how it works, as we may be able to use the program generating the image to talk to the forums directly and display data in plain text on the forum itself.
