Reef Discussion

Dean Lovett

Apr 11, 2015
Hammer Coral Flow Issuesssss
okay so long story short. I got a hammer coral. Love it.


Flow is a problem.

So half of it is getting brushed with a fan of water every now and then and the another part of it is getting nothing.

Also. I found one of its polpys have turned white because it wasn't getting a spot of light.

So 1. If half of the coral is getting a brush is that okay?
2. That bleached looking polyp... Is it an issue or should I just hold out and see how it goes? It was still really plump. As plump as all the rest.

Dean Lovett

Apr 11, 2015
Oh about a week. It's going really well it's just that one polpy caught behind the rock.

It's fully expanded of a day and really great colour. Just that one.


Jul 11, 2011
Hobart, Tasmania
I would like to see it with more flow - water movement is used to bring food to the coral and to expel waste products. Sitting in a low flow area is sort of like you sitting in your own pee :eek

I am mindful of the prevalence of Brown Jelly Disease which almost always leads to the death of the coral - the exact causes are not really known but it is not a good idea to tempt fate.

Often, just a small change in the direction of the powerhead will achieve the desired result.