Reef Discussion

Mr B

Jun 23, 2013
Crook dragon wrasse, keeps spinning
Gday guys
Noticed last night my dragon wrasse wasn't looking to flash laying on his side heavy breathing and occasionally spinning around in circles. I scooped him up and had a closer look no sign of any damage,disease or signs of stress other then heavy breathing. When I released him back into tank he more then less spireld to the bottom of the tank.. Back to struggling to stay upright! All other fish are looking fine and corals all look happy today, perimeters are all alright! All I can put it down to is I've had him for about 3 weeks, and remember reading an artical of fish being caught with poisons like cyinide (however you spell it :p) dropping dead shortly after purchasing?
Just can't put my finger on what could be wrong.. I am also missing a small baby anenome size of pinky nail, could that be causing it if he made a feast of it?
Cheers nath!

Mr B

Jun 23, 2013
Yeh man been crook ever since! Can't swim looks like he has no since if co ordination :(