Reef Discussion

Mantis Dundee

Jun 24, 2013
Quakers Hill
Blue Tang with Ich/White Spot
Hi people,
I have a smallish Blue Tang, maybe cm long. It has ich/whitespot. I have not been in the slightest little bit worried about it until now. It eats very well, very active heathy and active and in my experience fish I've had get it have just gone through the cycle and been fine. I am worried though as it seems to have a cyst or parasite or whatever the white spots are on one of its eyes. Should I be worried or should I just let it run its course and it will go like the rest of it. As I said I've had other fish go through it and been fine cause they always kept smashing the food and good quality water. I am worried about the eye though.
No other fish are showing any symptoms at the moment.


Sep 9, 2013
as goes with blue tangs if you can keep them oover a month they wcan be a hearty little fish same goes with my tang (now had him 9 months and only this week began eating frozen food) in the time i have had him he has had white spot on about 8 occasions i bought some tablets from the pet store and some stress eze stuff that smells like tee tree oil every now and then when i see tjem coming up i put in some stress fluid and after a few days it has cleared up hi should mention he did once get it on en eye and it did seem to bother him after a little while it cleared up and went away