

The Resident Loony
Jul 17, 2011
Ballarat, Victoria
Being the family "fish guy"
So, how many of you folks are known as the family "fish guy" (or gal)?
I've become that way - especially to parts of the family I otherwise don't have much to do with.

It's always sort of worked to my advantage at times, but sometimes it's a tough gig that brings about moral and ethical dilemmas.

For example - a while ago I got a freebie Aquasmart 320 - a little all in one tank, that currently houses a paradise fish. I have two of those tanks - both only have one fish in them, as I think they're a tad small. Nice to be a dumping ground for old tanks and gear if you happen to have the room for them (and I seem to).

Today, I get a call from someone telling me her mum has an angel fish that isn't playing nice. She tells me it's the size of a 50 cent piece, and if I don't take it, it's gonna get flushed. I'm too much of a softie for any fish to let that happen, so I say yeah - bring it over.
I have three active tropical tanks - one is a 4 footer with some cichlids in it, so that rules out the angel going in there. The other two are full of guppies (and I mean a lot). So, I condense them down to one tank full of guppies, leaving me with a 2 footer free. Too small for an angel, but at least while it's juvenile, it'll be OK in there.

I get the angel. It's not the size of a 50 cent piece. It's not fully grown either, but it's no baby.

So now I have a dilemma - do I give it away/sell it, and hope that whoever gets it has a clue about how to keep it, or do I let it live in one of my 2footers on its lonesome until I have a decent sized tank with a bit more height in it? If I do that, I could get tempted to buy an elcheapo 3 footer and stand. At least then I could keep a few other interesting tropicals with it.
That will break into my marine budget though. And then, I have to keep power up to it. Like 6 aquariums don't cost me enough to run already...

That's a tough choice.


Radio Host
Jul 9, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
I know what you mean. As I have just gotten into the hobby recently I am not known as that "fish guy". No, much worse. Everyone knows me as the dude who makes prank calls. When I meet new people, family are like "Oh get Pete to make a prank call, he is so funny". It is hard to come up with this material!

Have you tried getting any friends/family interested in fish? Maybe then you can handball them to them.


The Resident Loony
Jul 17, 2011
Ballarat, Victoria
Hahah.. family - not many of them to get interested in it. A few friends are interested, but the only ones I could handball off to are only gonna harass me for help.


The Resident Loony
Jul 17, 2011
Ballarat, Victoria
Was thinking perhaps trying to find a low 4 ft tank - needs to be about 4 x 1 x 1 - I could rip out the two lower tanks in my cabinet, and slot something that size in (just take off the side wall). Use one of the two footers up in the top my cabinet, and move the guppies up to it.
That would give me room to have a couple of fish, plenty of plants, give the angel more space, and give the bottom of the cabinet more focus. Hmmm.. Wonder what the chances are of finding a 4 foot tank that's only a foot high....


Jul 10, 2011
Gold Coast
just get one made it will be inexpensive due to the glass not needing to be overly thick.
sounds like a perfect idea to me!