Reef Discussion


Dec 24, 2011
Another 'unique' member to the mantis crew incoming...
Hello all

Thought I would post about this new member to my mantis crew that I have incoming although I stated it as 'unique' it is not an unknown species like my last mantis I got (Zuzu) however it is still just as unique as you will see in the pic provided. It is a large spearing mantis attaining a max size of about 300mm so it's another giant!

But its colors...compared to the other giants (L.mac & L.sul both share the same black and white bands).

It is a Bathysquilla Crassispinosa

[Broken External Image]:[URL][/URL]

Plz note that this individual is NOT the one that I have incoming just a mere picture for those curious to what it looks like.

Amazing colors!